71st Doctoral Promotion
The Study Program of Doctoral Engineering Science (PSDIT) held its 71st doctoral promotion on Tuesday, 11 June 2024, at the Wismakarma Hall, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University, on Jl. P.B. Sudirman Denpasar. Promovenda Ida Ayu Rai Widhiawati, ST., MT with the dissertation titled Service Pricing Model of Domestic Wastewater Management System at UPT PAL Bali received a very satisfactory predicate.
Dr. Ida Ayu Rai Widhiawati, ST., MT explains that the centralized wastewater management system "SPALD-T" in the Denpasar Sewerage Development Project (DSDP) requires resident participation in the maintenance fee. The fee has been fixed since 2011 and has never been reviewed. The objective of this study is to investigate and develop a model to determine the fee for SPALD-T services. The fees are analyzed using activity-based costing and the suitability of alternative fees that meet the principles of efficiency and productivity is analyzed using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). In the current implementation, it is shown that using road width to determine the fee is inappropriate. The determination of the tariff can be done by integrating the weights of alternatives based on the customer's situation to achieve fairness. There are two methods for determining the tariff for wastewater management services: the forward method, which determines the tariff for each customer classification to achieve the final revenue, and the backward method, which determines the revenue schedule and then determines the tariff for each customer classification.
As chairman of the session is the Coordinator of PSDIT, Prof. Dewa Made Priyantha Wedagama, ST., MT., MSc., Ph.D. The promoter, the co-promoters I and II are Prof. Dr. Ir. Ngakan Made Anom Wiryasa, MT., IPM., Prof. Dr. Ir. I Dewa Ketut Sudarsana, MT., and Kadek Diana Harmayani, ST., MT., Ph.D. IPM., ASEAN.Eng, respectively. Acting as examiners Prof. Dr. Ir. I Made Alit Karyawan Salain, DEA., Prof. Ir. I Nyoman Arya Thanaya, ME., Ph.D., Prof. Ir. I Gusti Bagus Sila Dharma, MT., Ph.D., Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Yudha Astana, MT, and Dr. A. A. Gde Agung Yana, ST., MT. Academic invitees are Ir. Ida Ayu Made Budiwati, M.Sc., Ph.D., Dr. Ir. Ngakan Ketut Acwin Dwijendra, ST., MA., IPU., ASEAN.Eng., Gusti Ayu Putu Candra Dharmayanti, ST., M.Sc., Ph.D, and A.A. Diah Parami Dewi, ST., MT., Ph.D.