61th Doctoral Promotion

The Study Program of Doctoral Engineering Science (PSDIT) held its 61st doctoral promotion on Tuesday, December 19, 2023, at Postgraduate Hall, 3rd Floor Postgraduate Building Udayana University, on Jl. P.B. Sudirman Denpasar. Promovendus Ir. H. Asep Kurnia Hidayat, M.T. with the dissertation titled Dynamic Control on Optimization of Irrigation Water Management Based on Land Failure Risk received a very satisfactory predicate.
Dr. Ir. H. Asep Kurnia Hidayat, M.T. explained that land failure is one of the consequences when water availability is lower than originally estimated. The risk of land failure leads to a reduction in harvested area, which harms rice production.  Linear programming models can cause problems in the field due to the possibility that the flow rate will be zero for a given time cannot always be resolved. This study uses two optimization models, the linear program model and the land failure risk model, to redesign irrigation water management.  When runoff conditions are minimal, analysis cannot be performed using a linear programming model but can be performed using a land failure risk model.
As chairman of the session is the Coordinator of PSDIT, Prof. Dewa Made Priyantha Wedagama, ST., MT., MSc., Ph.D. The promoter, the co-promoters I and II are Prof. Ir. I Gusti Bagus Sila Dharma, M.T., Ph.D., Dr. Mawiti Infantri Yekti, S.T., M.T, and Dr. Ir. I Gusti Agung Adnyana Putera, DEA respectively. Acting as examiners are Prof. Ir. I Nyoman Arya Thanaya, ME., Ph.D., Prof. Dr. Ir. I Ketut Suamba, M.P., Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Rai, M.S., Prof. Dr. Ir. I Dewa Ketut Sudarsana, M.T., Kadek Diana Harmayani, S.T., M.T., Ph.D. IPM., ASEAN.Eng, and Putu Gustave Suryantara P. S.T., M.Eng., Ph.D. Academic invitees are Dr. Ir. I Gusti Ngurah Kerta Arsana, MT., Dr. Ir. Yenni Ciawi, and Ir. Silvia Gabrina Tonyes, M.Sc., Ph.D.