60th Doctoral Promotion

The Study Program of Doctoral Engineering Science (PSDIT) held its 60th doctoral promotion on Monday, December 18, 2023, at Postgraduate Hall, 3rd Floor Postgraduate Building Udayana University, on Jl. P.B. Sudirman Denpasar. Promovendus I Gusti Lanang Made Parwita, ST., MT with his dissertation titled Integrated Water Resources Management for The Sustainability of Clean and Subak Irrigation Water in Bali Province received a very satisfactory predicate.

Dr. I Gusti Lanang Made Parwita, ST., MT describes that the research aims to improve and maintain the quality of clean water services as well as preserve the traditional Subak agricultural system. This study suggests that to address water resources management in Bali, several key needs must be identified, including improved coordination among relevant institutions to ensure integration in planning, implementation and monitoring efforts.
As chairman of the session is the Coordinator of PSDIT, Prof. Dewa Made Priyantha Wedagama, ST., MT., MSc., Ph.D. The promoter, the co-promoters I and II are Prof. Ir. I Gusti Bagus Sila Dharma, M.T., Ph.D., Dr. Mawiti Infantri Yekti, S.T., M.T, and I Putu Gustave Suryantara P, S.T., M.Eng., Ph.D respectively. Acting as examiners are Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Rai, M.S., Prof. Dr. Ir. I Ketut Suamba, M.P., Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gusti Ngurah Santosa, M.S., IPU., ASEAN.Eng., Prof. Dr. Ir. I Made Alit Karyawan Salain, DEA., and Dr. Ir. I Gusti Ngurah Kerta Arsana, MT. Academic invitees are Dr. Ir. I Gusti Lanang Bagus Eratodi, S.T., M.T., IPU, ASEAN.Eng., APEC.Eng., Prof. I Dewa Made Cipta Santosa, ST., M.Sv., Ph.D and Dr. Ir. I Wayan Suparta, M.Si, MT