50th Doctoral Promotion

The Doctoral Study Program of Engineering Science (PSDIT) held its 50th doctoral promotion session which was held on Thursday, 9 February 2023 at the Wiswakarma Hall, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University. Promovenda Ni Komang Armaeni, ST., MT with a dissertation entitled Development of Design and Build Models in Procurement of Local Government Projects, completed her studies within 5 years and received a very satisfactory predicate.

In her presentation, Dr. Ni Komang Armaeni, ST., MT described a Design and Build (DB) deployment with eight (8) key driving elements. In the model, it was found that government regulations were not the best in regulating the implementation of DB construction projects, especially those funded by the APBD. Training and HR development centers have not recorded training activities or the like related to increasing the understanding of DB for users, staff, and service providers before implementing this pilot project.

As chairman of the session is Prof. Dewa Made Priyantha Wedagama, ST., MT., MSc., Ph.D., as the Coordinator of the Doctoral Study Program of Engineering Science (PSDIT) of the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University. Promoter Prof. Dr. Ir. I Dewa Ketut Sudarsana, MT., The co-promoters I and II are A. A Diah Parami Dewi., ST., MT., Ph.D. and G.A.P Candra Dharmayanti, ST., MSc., Ph.D. respectively. Acting as examiners are Prof. Dewa Made Priyantha Wedagama, ST., MT., MSc., Ph.D., Prof. Ir. I Nyoman Arya Thanaya, ME., Ph.D., Prof. Dr. Ir. Ngakan Made Anom Wiryasa, MT., Prof. Dr. Ir. Nyoman Budiartha RM., MSc., and Dr. A.A Gde Agung Yana, ST., MT. Meanwhile,    Dr. Ir. Ida Bagus Putu Adnyana, ST., MT., IPU., ASEAN. Eng., Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Ari Budiman, ST., MT., IPM and Ir. Ida Ayu Made Budiwati., MSc., Ph.D. act as academic invitees.